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  • Why normale Will Not Partecipate in Black Friday

    November 19, 2021

     As Black Friday approaches, many small businesses are faced with the question: should I do some sales too? I too had some doubts regarding this, because small businesses often feel that if they do not participate, people might decide to purchase elsewhere, but, upon reflection, I realised Black Friday goes against everything I believe in, and everything this brand and its community stand for. 

    So here’s my three reasons why Black Friday can go fudge itself.

    1. I aim to create well made, long lasting, artisanal products that are well priced and produced sustainably. I am committed to giving you creations with a meaning, with a purpose, and I donate to charity all year round. I would not be able to do so if I participated in massive sales and I refused to trade in my principles in order to take part in it. This is a feminist business building a feminist community, we not a consumerism puppet.

    1. During Black Friday and Cyber Monday, CO2 emissions have huge spikes. Initially born in the USA, they are now practiced worldwide and their impact has been growing accordingly due to increase in production, transportation and waste brought upon by the sales.

    1. I do give discounts to my community throughout the year to thank them for their support, participation and love, but that’s not what Black Friday is. On Black Friday companies intentionally induce anxiety through manipulative marketing in order to generate fear-induced impulse buys. Not to mention, many small businesses feel the pressure of taking part in it because they feel otherwise people won’t buy from them. I want no part in this anxiety-inducing machine. Our mental health is more important.

    This is a decision every business owner needs to make for themselves, and this is in no way a judgement on what other people might decide to do so please don’t feel the need to justify to me why you might make a different decision than mine. Just think about the impacts and decide what works for you and your community. I know mine will back me up.

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